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Arsenic Compounds
   Arsenic acid
   Arsenic trioxide
   Gallium Arsenide
Arsenic acid H3AsO4
: Highly Toxic :
Arsenic acid is used in wood treatment, finishing agent for glass and metal, in the manufacturing of dyestuffs and organic arsenic compounds and also in soil sterilant. It can also be used as a herbicide, insecticide or rodenticide.
Arsenic trioxide Ar2O3
: Highly Toxic :
Starting point for the manufacture of arsenic-based pesticides and the manufacture of certain arsenic-based pharamaceuticals and vetinary products.
It is used as a decolourizing agent for glasses and enamels and as a preservative for wood.
Arsenic trioxide is also used to treat leukemia in patients who have not responded to other medications.
Gallium Arsenide GaAs
: Carcinogenic : Highly Toxic :
It is an important semiconductor and is used to make devices such as microwave frequency integrated circuits, infrared LEDs, laser diodes and solar cells.
GeAs has some electronic properties which are superior to silicon's, these allow it to function at frequencies greater than 250GHz, and generate less noise than silicon devices when operated at higher frequencies. GeAs is also capable of emitting light, silicon is very poor at emitting light.